British, 70s Rock Star, Gary ¨paedophile¨ Glitter hits the news again. Fortunately, parents and children, particularly young girls, can breathe a sigh of relief - for the monent - As the sex abuser is currently, safely behind the holding bars of a Vietnamese jail.

Glitter has abuse convictions both in the UK and Vietnam, notwithstanding, numerous other abuse allegations against him; primarily from (but not limited to) developing countries in Asia.

It seems that the former Rock Star has a penchant for young, vulnerable girls...And he will subsequently sink to any depth to cover his tracks.
The Sex for Sweets Monster has in the past claimed...
¨I was only helping the girls with their english¨ Yeah - right...
a paedophiles preposterous preposition...
¨I invited her into my bed because she was afraid of ghosts¨ ..... Quips -the evil spirit..

Glitter¨s EVIL RESUME....
November 1999:
Glitter admits possessing 4,000 photos of children being abused. Sentenced to four months in UK prison for 54 offences of downloading porn from the internet and placed on the sex offenders register .....Bastard!
April 2002:
Questioned by Cambodian police after moving to the country. Government minister leads campaign to deport him as a "preventative measure"......Good Riddance Paedophile!
December 2002:
UK Foreign Office confirms Glitter has been detained in Cambodia over suspected sex offences. Deported but no specific reason is given and he later returns pending an appeal....Lock up your Daughters!
March 2006:
Jailed in Vietnam over child sex offences. Sentencing judge says: "His lewd acts have compromised the dignity of the Vietnamese people, law and common sense." ......Can someone please roast his nuts!

Like many paedophiles, Glitter preys on the vulnerability of young children in developing countries. He has embarked upon a sex tour of Asia looking for opportunities to ply and deliver his sick legacy of paediphilia.
Sex tourism, particularly child sex tourism is a major, evil problem in many parts of Asia and Africa...and something must be done about it!
High profile cases like Glitter¨s helps bring abuse to the attention of the general public - and whilst great care must be taken NOT to label innocent people as paedophiles - it is very hard for the likes of Glitter to turn around and say ¨It wasn¨t me¨ , I didn¨t touch her¨ or ¨She was like a daughter to me¨
When he is released, he will certainly be deported - to a currently unknown destination...One would hope that he is deported to the UK - where a couple of Scotland Yard Detectives are sooooooooo keen to talk to him, regarding fresh abuse allegations....
Glitter is deservedly on the way to hell...
I sincerely hope someone chops his balls off before he returns to London...
For more information on Child Prostitution and Child Sex Abuse, visit:
Not all that Glitters is Gold - Gary Glitter is a performing name - the monsters ¨real name¨ is Paul Gadd...
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