I’d Walk A Million Miles For One Of
Your Smiles...
Volunteering in an orphanage in Brazil…
Oh ! yes - today, the girls can afford a bigger grin than usual , thanks entirely to the generosity of Aoife Murphy, her mum, family, and the people of Cork, in Ireland…
Aoife (for the non-Irish amongst us, pronounced; eefa) took the girls shopping the other day – and being married and having daughters of my own, I know too well how much girls just love to shop.....(smiley)…
Fortunately , it was not my credit card being flaunted in downtown Recife...It was due entirely to the kindness and generosity of the Cork gang , the girls now have a whole new bunch of supplies at the orphanage...
Aoife, the girls, and the hard working and dedicated staff from the orphange, popped on their sun-hats and shades and trotted off to the shops.....to return, hours later, laden with goodies....
Take a look at this shopping list: New matresses and bedding, school and art supplies, crockery and utensils for the kitchen , games and toys , even a portable swimming pool, and naturally, some personal items, such as new clothes, shoes, toiletries and other girly, pink, like things (yikes) ........

¨Come into the parlour¨, and meet Aoife (left) and Camila (right)....Looks like a bit of an art class - with some English language thrown in to boot - naming body parts (urgh) - bet they did the "Okey-cokey" as well....you know the one...¨you put your left-leg in....¨dum de dum, and all that jazz..

Maristela is the extremely efficient , Volunteer Co-ordinator for Recife.......She and her team work very hard to ensure that all volunteers get the most out

Here is a group photograph, taken at the orphanage........Not everyone has managed to get in this one....However, I can spot Mirian Thomas (bottom- centre-right). Mirian is co-founder and Director of Volunteer Brazil. Aoife is there, Maristela too....and other members of the orphanage staff...

I think the smiles say everything there is to say - Don’t you ?
Would you like to volunteer in an orphanage in Brazil ?
Volunteer Brazil are currently looking for volunteers to join them in their work in north-east Brazil.
They need volunteers who are dedicated and willing to immerse themselves into sometimes difficult situations. You will have a love for children and be able and willing to give that love along with care, patience and understanding - up for it ? Got a question ? Ask Volunteer Brazil a Question; HERE

¨And girls they want to have fun¨......¨Oh girls, just want to have fun¨..........( Cant help humming that CYNDI LAUPER song).......Before we leave the orphanage, just want to say a BIG thank you.... sooooooo much, once again, to Aoife, mum and Cork.......The Top of The Morning To You! - We LOVE You xxx

Health Care Project...
In the far left of the photograph, stands Leanne - ¨Hello Leanne¨
Leanne is a nurse from Brighton in England, she is currently volunteering on a health placement in Brazil.
The volunteer Brazil Health Placement is quite unique and comprehensive, regarding the areas available to volunteer and intern.
If you are a medical student or a healthcare professional and would like to volunteer in Brazil - I would urge you to contact volunteerbrazil.
The organisation offers a unique opportunity to help and gain experience in all aspects of health care, in a wide-ranging environment. Check-out the following opportunities:
COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE(clinics, mostly in favelas(slums)
DENTISTRY (community and centralised)
Other fields availbale if required: , Occupational Health, Nutrition,Speech Therapy and Pharmacy.
I am sure you agree, this is an awsome list of volunteer opportunities - which you wont find anywhere else..............if you do, let us know!
Have a greeeaaat weekend,
see ya on Monday - hopefully....
Oops, nearly forgot! Before I go, if you would like to link your blog or website to mine - please send me an email: alan@volunteerbrazil.com
I will of course, link back to you ....... post-haste...
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