Rather than me tell you, I thought it may be a good idea for volunteers to tell you about their experiences volunteering in Brazil...
This first testimonial about volunteering in Brazil is from 2 sisters, Ujali and Deepali - (they are from the United Kingdom)...
I only received their testimonial a few weeks ago (Jan 5th 2008), so am pleased to be able to post it here:
My experience through volunteer Brazil has been life changing. Working with thechildren we worked with and seeing what brazilian culture was really like was extremely endearing. The children and teachers welcomed us with open arms andto see how grateful the children were for our time made every moment worthwhle. Our home stay was just the same. We had the pleasure of staying with alovely lady who made us feel extremely welcome. The experience was a fantastic way to combine travelling with giving something back to the country. I'd recommend this experience to anyone and encourage everyone to welcome it with open arms as it will truely give you the greatest self satisfaction possible.
Ujali & Deepali.
The second Testimonial from Brazil, was written by Chris, Chris is from England and in November 2007 volunteered with Street Children.
Hey Alan things are amazing! its amazing here and i would recommend it anyone. the kids are amazing and each of them is so happy and playful. everyday we play and have fun. im starting to get the launguage aswell being constantly surrounded by it. its okay if someones talking directly to me but if their talking around me it goes over my head.
But its okay tho because i know whats going on most of the time. but like i said everything is amazing, the scenery, the kids and the staff are also really good. they really help me and help explain things if needs be.
Had a massive futsol tournament last night and im paying for it now. my feet are in pain but it was worth it. am really enjoying my experience here just cant believe how quick the days are going. hope everything is well with you. and thank you for this, i cant describe how happy i am here.
Testimonial number 3 is from Emily. Emily is from The United States and volunteered with her daughter in October and November 2007.
Volunteer Brazil provided me and Afton with very appropriate accommodation for my situation. The location in Recife was excellent, with good access to everything.
The beaches around the Recife coast are beautiful, and we went there quite a lot with the orphanage girls.
I will be coming back, for sure - thank you Alan ,Mirian and staff of Volunteer Brazil , so much for your hospitality.
The beaches around the Recife coast are beautiful, and we went there quite a lot with the orphanage girls.
I will be coming back, for sure - thank you Alan ,Mirian and staff of Volunteer Brazil , so much for your hospitality.
The following Testimonial is from Sara Pironti. Sara is from Los Angeles...
I just recently got back to Los Angeles....all is well here and i am writing to thank you for helping me havesuch a wonderful experience. I keep thinking of the boys at the orphanage...i really miss them!!I would love to recommend the experience to anyone whois interested in volunteering in Brazil through your programs.
I thank you again for all your help and for giving me the opportunity to have such a wonderful experience. Please keep in touch....
I thank you again for all your help and for giving me the opportunity to have such a wonderful experience. Please keep in touch....
Here is what Danielle from California, said...
I just wanted to say thanks for your help and that I had a wonderful volunteering experience while in Brazil. The children at the center were amazing, as were Brazilians in general.
The following is a testimonial from a volunteer's mother - she wrote thanking us for providing her daughter; Annabel with good accommodation in Brazil.
I would like to say how fantastic the family you chose for her (Annabel, my daughter) have been and also what a superb experience working in the orphanage has been for Annabel. Many thanks.
I could go on all day here, but think I had better stop for now - the final testimony is from Geraldine of Dublin...
What fantastic kids, appearing to have nothing at first glance but laughed, smiled, sang and danced all the time and in my opinion had a richness in their life that we simply seem to have lost in the western world with our hectic lifestyles.
Adios meu amigos.
And to quote, Geraldine...
Adios meu amigos.
Alan Thomas...
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