Come and join us for the Worlds Greatest Party...
From Only US$500 / £250
The world famous Carnival of Olinda, in Brazil, is considered to be the most authentic, the most beautiful, and the most spontaneous of its kind.
And considering that over 1 million people take to the streets each day in this UNESCO World Heritage Town, it remains an amazing fact that the WORLDS GREATEST STREET CARNAVAL is not yet comercialised.
Olinda and Recife have many, many delights for the visitor, but the Olinda and Recife Carnavals deserve a very special mention. Of course Brazil is world renowned for its annual Carnaval events, but when Brazilians want to party, when they want to experience an authentic carnaval , they come to Olinda, and Recife

5 Nights - From 16th February to 20th February
(Carnaval Period is 16th - 20th February)
(Friday through Tuesday, you leave Wednesday morning)
Early Booking is Strongly Advised!
TEL: 0055 81 32692793 (office)
(mobile) 0055 81 88798877
information@volunteerbrazil.com (e-mail)
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