Christmas in Brazil...
In the main , Christmas in Brazil, follows the European traditions - particularly, those of Portugal.
It is essentially a time when families get together, most notably for Christmas supper, which is eaten at Midnight on December 24th (although, lots of families eat earlier than this - but most notably on Christmas Eve, as opposed to Christmas Day.
The Christmas Supper will consist of turkey, chicken, pork, ham, rice, fresh vegetables and fruit dishes. However, poorer Brazilians, usually have to make-do with rice and chicken.
Traditional Catholic families may attend; Mass at Midnight (on the 24th), the Mass ends at 1.00am, and is known as The Rooster Mass or; Missa do Galo.
One of the main traditions is the nativity scene or; Presépio The Presépio was introduced in the 17th century by a Franciscan friar named; Gaspar de Santo Agostinho. Most interestingly, he was from Olinda, which is also considered the birthplace of Brazilian nationality.
Father Christmas, or; Papai Noel is the unsuprisingly, traditional gift bringer, originally hailing from Greenland (according to legend), notwithstanding ,the Papai Noel concept came to Brazil during the 1950s, originating from The United States, - and subsequently commercialised in the 60s and 70s.
The decorated Christmas tree is an important Christmas ingredient, as are coloured , flashing electric lights, both adorn the main living room of houses and apartments, with the flashing lights, particularly popular draped across and over balconies of the many millions of apartment buildings.
Fireworks can be heard all hours of the day and night (mostly at night - and sometimes all through the night), and this typically Brazilian, pyrotechnic dimension to festivities, will continue until January 6th, otherwise known as Three Kings Day, which symbolizes the Three Wise Men , taking gifts to The Baby Jesus.
Happy Holidays...May you find joy, peace and contentment, and I sincerely hope that 2007 will be a memorable, and very special year, for you!
Take care, Alan Thomas.