Just take a look at Gerbrand...
Gerbrand volunteered with us in June, and as I write is still here on our NGO Volunteer Program.
I think he was quite amused and surprised to be voted The King of The Corn during the festival of St John - in all fairness to Gerbrand , he played along with it, and in fact did a magnificent job, too.
(Gerbrand is from Holland but is currently studying at the University of Wales in Cardiff....)
Some further information and a delicious sweetcorn recipe:
On 23rd June is the celebration of São João (St John The Baptist) the most popular saint in northeast Brazil. Fires are burnt in front of the houses, quadrilha is danced ( from French folklore) , all this is to give thanks for the good harvest, traditional meals are eaten and it is a great excuse to have fun...
Recipe for Canjica Pernambucana
Ingredients: · 25 spikes of sweetcorn· 1 cup of thick coconut milk· 4 litres of thin coconut milk· 3 cups of refined sugar· 1 soup spoon of butter· 1 soup spoon of salt· 1 cup of sweet herbal tea· 50 grames of butter cheese (optional – use a mincer if you have one)
Ingredients: · 25 spikes of sweetcorn· 1 cup of thick coconut milk· 4 litres of thin coconut milk· 3 cups of refined sugar· 1 soup spoon of butter· 1 soup spoon of salt· 1 cup of sweet herbal tea· 50 grames of butter cheese (optional – use a mincer if you have one)
Preparation and Method:
Grate the sweetcorn spikes and wash the mass with part of the light coconut milk through a thin sieve. Place mixture in a mincer machine or a liquidizer.
Add the rest of the thin coconut milk and boil it, always stirring it with a wooden spoon.After one hour and a half of boiling and stirring, put all the other ingredients and the remainder of the thick coconut milk.
Add the rest of the thin coconut milk and boil it, always stirring it with a wooden spoon.After one hour and a half of boiling and stirring, put all the other ingredients and the remainder of the thick coconut milk.
Boil it on a low heat, always stirring it with the wooden spoon. Place it in a crosspiece plate or small plates and sprinkle with cinnamon…..
Hope you enjoy it!
PS: Thank you to, Mirian Machado-Thomas for writing about the June Festivals and providing the recipe for the delicious canjica...Obrigado Mirian...
If you have a question about the June Festivals or would like more Brazilian recipes , you may contact Mirian here
See you soon...