With a Little Help From my Friends
My name is Lacey, I am Canadian and volunteering with Volunteer Brazil in July of this year (2007).
For 5 weeks I will be volunteering at an orphanage in Recife.
I was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Although I have grown up in Thunder Bay, I have spent a number of months overseas on school exchange, as well as personal travel throughout North America. It is not vacationing which I love so much as traveling to experience different cultures and languages. Having recently graduated from Lakehead University's Teacher's College and wanting to experience more of the world, I havedecided to embark on a volunteer adventure in Brazil.
I have been very fortunate with the life I've had here in Thunder Bay, and I want to give back to those children who have not had the privileges I have had. During my time at the orphanage I will be helping in the everyday lives of the children.
I will be providing them with love and attention, playing games and helping them get ready for school, complete homework, and teach them informal english lessons. I want to have the opportunity to share some things with the children/youth of Brazil, while at the same time have them teach me something about their diverse culture. I had no doubt that this is what I wanted to do once I completed school, and by helping meraise funds you can help me reach my goal. In total my 5 week volunteer placement will cost me approximately CAD $3000.00.
This is broken down into program fee (which includes language training and living expenses for the duration of the 5 weeks), flight, visa, as well as traveler's insurance. My goal is to raise as much of that as possible. I will be approaching friends, family, and local businesses in search of any type of support. I am asking for funds; however, I will also be accepting services and donations which may help in my fundraising goals.
I am in the process of setting up a number of fundraising projects which will soon be posted on this site.
Thank you for your support!
Fundraising Events:
Yard Sale @ Evangel Church (Thunder Bay) on Saturday 5th May...
Car Wash @ Jones and Associates (Thunder Bay), day and time to be arranged...
BBQ, location, day and time to be arranged...
Ongoing fundraisers:
Mom's Pantry sales (please contact me for more information on how to order)Flower Pens ($3-on sale throughout the community)
Thank you to my sponsors...
Jones and Associates Insurance.